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《全民新聞台》[交通意外]汀角路巴士私家車猛撼 私家車女乘客昏迷送院

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK




A serious collision between a bus and a private car occurred on Ting Kok Road today at around 4:58 pm. The bus, which was heading towards Tai Po Market Station from Tai O, collided with the private car near the bay opposite Ying Yue Wan. Witnesses immediately reported the incident to the ploice.

Upon arriving at the scene, paramedics rescued an unconscious female passenger from the private car and transported her to the hospital for emergency treatment. Both the bus and private car suffered extensive damage to their fronts. As a result, the police have closed off Ting Kok Road to investigate the cause of the accident.






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