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《全民新聞台》[國際新聞]日本長野縣發生槍擊事件 3死一傷疑犯在逃

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK


更新: 槍擊事件造成3人死亡包括2名警察,另一人受傷。

Update: The shooting incident has resulted in three deaths, including two police officers, and one person injured.


A man armed with a shotgun and a knife opened fire from inside a house in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan on Thursday afternoon, injuring at least four people, including two police officers. The extent of their injuries remains unknown. The suspect, who was reportedly wearing full camouflage, a camouflage hat, sunglasses, and a mask at the time of the shooting, fled the scene and is believed to be hiding in a nearby residential area in the Ebuse district. The local authorities have urged nearby residents to stay indoors and not to venture outside until the situation is resolved. It is unclear at this time if there are any hostages involved. The incident is under investigation by the authorities.

文 : 湯湯





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