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《全民新聞台》[港聞]五旬婦認撿走貓屍屠宰食用 判囚4周緩刑2年





A 59-year-old woman has pleaded guilty to one count of "slaughtering dogs or cats for food" at the West Kowloon Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong. The charges stem from an incident in March of this year when the woman was arrested in the corridor of Pak Tin House, Pak Tin Estate, Shek Kip Mei. At the time of her arrest, she was found holding a sharp object and a dead cat while wandering around.

During the investigation, the police found a plastic bucket in the woman's toilet, which contained the dead cat with a knife placed next to its neck. The cat's body was stiff, with blood in its mouth, and most of its fur had been removed. The defendant claimed that she found the cat on the street after it had been hit by a car and took it home with the intention of eating it. However, the judge expressed scepticism about her explanation, stating that Hong Kong is a civilized society that does not tolerate the slaughter of cats.

The defendant has been sentenced to six weeks in prison, which was reduced to four weeks after pleading guilty. She has also been placed on probation for two years.

文 : Area 51





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