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《全民新聞台》[港聞]入境事務處拘十六非法勞工及兩名僱主 涉嫌聘用非法勞工






The Immigration Department (ImmD) mounted a series of territory-wide anti-illegal worker operations codenamed "Lightshadow", "Twilight" and a joint operation with the Hong Kong Police Force codenamed "Windsand" for four consecutive days from May 15 to yesterday (May 18). A total of 14 suspected illegal workers and two suspected employers were arrested.

During the anti-illegal worker operations, ImmD Task Force officers raided 75 target locations including car parks, industrial buildings, premises under renovation, residential buildings, restaurants and retail shops. Nine suspected illegal workers and two suspected employers were arrested. The arrested suspected illegal workers comprised three men and six women, aged 28 to 51. Among them, one man and two women were holders of recognisance forms, which prohibit them from taking any employment. In addition, two men were suspected of using and being in possession of a forged Hong Kong identity card. Furthermore, one man and one woman, aged 38 and 51, were suspected of employing the illegal workers and were also arrested.

Furthermore, during operation "Windsand", five Mainland visitors comprising four men and one woman, aged 26 to 49, were arrested for breaching their conditions of stay by being involved in suspected parallel trading activities at Ka Fu Close and San Wan Road in Sheung Shui district. The goods mainly included cosmetics products, daily necessities and skincare products.

The spokesman warned, "As stipulated in section 38AA of the Immigration Ordinance, an illegal immigrant, a person who is the subject of a removal order or a deportation order, an overstayer or a person who was refused permission to land is prohibited from taking any employment, whether paid or unpaid, or establishing or joining in any business. Offenders are liable upon conviction to a maximum fine of $50,000 and up to three years' imprisonment. Under the prevailing laws, it is an offence to use or possess a forged Hong Kong identity card or a Hong Kong identity card related to another person. Offenders are liable to prosecution and upon conviction face a maximum fine of $100,000 and up to 10 years' imprisonment."





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