A 70-year-old man was stabbed to death while jogging outside 150 Castle Peak Road - Yuen Long in the early hours of this morning. The unidentified victim was attacked by a knife-wielding South Asian man outside an HSBC bank branch on Hong Lok Road around 3:43 am. The assailant fled the scene after the attack. Passers-by found the victim and called emergency services.
Police officers sped to the scene and found the man lying unconscious on the ground. Sustaining multiple injuries, he was rushed to Pok Oi Hospital and was certified dead at 4.54 am.
The motive for the attack is unknown. Police have cordoned off the crime scene to investigate. Officers are conducting searches in the area and examining CCTV footage for clues.
After an initial investigation, the case was classified as murder. The active investigation by the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau is underway.
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