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《全民新聞台》[港聞]大埔汀角路兩車相撞起火 鐵騎腳部燒傷送院

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大埔汀角路兩車相撞起火  鐵騎腳部燒傷送院
大埔汀角路兩車相撞起火 鐵騎腳部燒傷送院


大埔汀角路兩車相撞起火 鐵騎腳部燒傷送院


Two Vehicles Collide and Catch Fire in Tai Po's Ting Kok Road, Motorcyclist Sustains Burn Injuries to Foot

This afternoon at 3:41pm, a traffic accident occurred on Ting Kok Road in Tai Po. A motorcyclist was riding along Ting Kok Road in the direction of Green Cove when near Ming Der High School, he suddenly collided with a private car. The two vehicles caught fire upon impact. The private car driver quickly escaped, but the motorcyclist suffered burn injuries to his foot and had to be sent to Nethersole Hospital for treatment.

The private car was engulfed in flames at the scene, which raged intensely. The fire department arrived and extinguished the blaze in approximately 20 minutes. Police subsequently cordoned off the area to investigate the cause of the accident.







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