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《全民新聞台》[港聞]摩士公園泳池驚現糞便 暫時關閉清潔

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Morse Park Swimming Pool Closed After Human Feces Found

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today that Morse Park Swimming Pool in Wong Tai Sin was temporarily closed after feces were detected in the water. The department said a "small amount" of human waste was found in Morse Park Swimming Pool, prompting them to shut down the pool immediately for cleaning and disinfection.

The pool is scheduled to reopen at 6:55 pm this evening.

The department said problems with swimmers contaminating the pool have occurred before, and they have guidelines in place for such issues, including a complaint mechanism and procedures for staff to handle incidents. However, upon finding feces in the pool, the department's policy is to close the pool right away.

Human feces can contain dangerous bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli, and intestinal viruses that cause food poisoning if swallowed. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever and dehydration.

The department warned poolgoers to be mindful of themselves and others. They urged swimmers to keep the pool clean by not eating too much before getting in the water and using the restrooms as needed.

We call on bathers to consider their own and other people's interests, work together to keep the swimming pool clean and hygienic, do not eat too much before entering the water, and use the toilet if necessary," the department said in a statement.

The unhygienic conditions at the public pool have alarmed the community and highlighted the importance of proper cleanliness and safety standards for such recreational facilities. The department promised to investigate how the feces ended up in the pool to prevent future incidents.






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