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《全民新聞台》[港聞]柴灣小西灣邨山邊 發現疑戰時手榴彈

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK



Police received a report this afternoon at around 1 pm that a suspected wartime hand grenade was found by a passerby opposite Shan Po Road in the Siu Sai Wan Estate Sui Hei House, Chai Wan. Upon receiving the report, the police arrived at the scene and, after the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau personnel's initial examination, confirmed that it was an M36 hand grenade made in the UK, about 10 cm long, estimated to be left over from the Second World War.

At 2:55 pm, the hand grenade was detonated on the spot by the police. During the firefighting operation, the scene was guarded, and no one was injured in the incident. There was no need for evacuation.

文 : Area 51





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