負責人指,於9時後禁止酒精飲品,的確大大減低參與者的興致,他指,活動已於世界各地舉行,亦並無實施相關安排,此舉久而久之會令香港夜生活失色。他亦認為發出酒牌的時間過於逼切,對於類似的大型活動當局應盡快發出酒牌,讓主辦方得以有足夠時間作出安排。 S2O Hong Kong Songkran Music Festival 2023 is taking place today until tomorrow at the Central Harbour front Event Space. The event features performances, food stalls, and booths selling alcoholic beverages. However, the temporary liquor licence issued by the Liquor Licensing Board only permits sales until 9 pm, which is 2 hours earlier than the event's closing time.
The organizers stated that the application for the temporary liquor licence was made from 1 pm to 12 am, but they only received the licence on the day before the event, and it was valid until 6 pm. The Liquor Licensing Board explained that due to the water spraying activities within the venue, it was deemed unsafe for participants to consume alcohol after 6 pm. After negotiations with legislator Peter Shiu Ka-fai, the licence was extended to 9 pm.
The event organizer expressed that prohibiting alcohol sales after 9 pm significantly dampens the enthusiasm of the participants. They mentioned that similar events have been held worldwide without such restrictions, and this practice would eventually diminish Hong Kong's nightlife. They also believed that the timing of issuing the licence was too urgent, and authorities should expedite the process for similar large-scale events, allowing organizers sufficient time to make necessary arrangements.
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