A fruit stall on Garden Street in Mong Kok was burgled twice last month within a week. The thieves stole Jackfruits during both incidents. The owner of the stall returned to find the lock was broken and two large pineapples, as well as some citrus fruits, stolen today. The loss is estimated to be around HKD 800, and the owner has reported the incidents to the police.
According to the owner, the burglaries happened twice in a week last month. The Jackfruits were originally placed at the front of the stall but were moved to the counter after closing time, and the stall was locked. The owner was surprised that the thieves were able to break the lock and steal the Jackfruits, which weighed a total of 90 kilograms. It remains unclear how the thieves were able to move such heavy items.
The police are currently investigating the case and will release further information when it becomes available.
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