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《全民新聞台》[港聞]警指潑水節有個別人士惡意挑釁 2人涉嫌「公眾地方內擾亂秩序行為」被捕






Two local men, aged 25 and 26, were arrested by the police yesterday for allegedly disrupting public order during the Songkran festival celebration on Sunday. The incident took place at Carpentar Road Park, South Wall Road, and Tak Ku Ling Road Recreation Garden in Kowloon City, where the suspects reportedly shot water at law enforcement officers and journalists.

According to Inspector of the Kowloon City Police Criminal Investigation Department, the suspects used water guns and bottles to shoot and splash water at the officers at close range, ignoring police warnings. They also hurled insults and vulgar language at the personnel, with the entire process lasting for three minutes.

The police stated that the incident may have been premeditated, with some individuals having ulterior motives. A video of the incident was later uploaded online, with some adding provocative words to it.

The two arrested men have been detained for investigation and are suspected of "behave in a disorderly manner in a public place." The case has been handed over to the Kowloon City Police's Serious Crime Unit for further investigation, and the police have not ruled out the possibility of more arrests.


文 : Area 51

攝 : 呀爺





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