復活節長假期開始,截至上午10時,各個口岸共有14萬5128人出境,另有1.6萬人次入境 ; 羅湖、落馬洲支線及港珠澳大橋口岸較多人出境,早上有大批市民往內地。亦有不少市民選擇趁假期與家人到外地旅遊,在機場,離境大堂人頭湧湧,航空公司櫃位大排長龍,有旅行社在今個假期約有200團出發 ; 有上班族表示早已請定假期往歐遊,亦有市民選擇短程往台灣、日本等地賞櫻花及消費。
文/攝 : 呀爺
Hong Kong saw a surge of outbound travellers at the start of the Easter long weekend. As of 10am on Friday, a total of 145,128 people have left Hong Kong through various ports, while 16,000 people have entered Hong Kong. Among the ports, Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau and Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau bridge have recorded a higher number of outbound travelers.
Crowds of citizens were seen heading to mainland China in the morning, while others have opted for short trips to Taiwan, Japan and other destinations to view cherry blossoms and shop. Many have also chosen to travel with their families during the holiday, resulting in crowded departure halls at airports and long queues at airline counters.
Travel agencies have scheduled approximately 200 tours for this holiday period. Some office workers have already planned their European trips, while others have taken advantage of the long weekend to travel to other destinations.
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