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《全民新聞台》[港聞]青山醫院病房石屎剝落維修後 修補石屎之物料脫落 病房需再圍封

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK





A multi-purpose room in a ward in Block A of CPH has been temporarily suspended from use for repair work due to spalling concrete since the end of last month. A staff member of the Term Maintenance Contractor informed the ward about the completion of work, but the ward staff found an abnormality in the ceiling and notified the Facility Management Unit of CPH. It was found during the inspection that some mortar for repairing the concrete was detached from the repair site and fell on the false ceiling. Immediate re-enclosure and repair of the site were arranged. The incident did not involve the structural safety of the building. No patients or staff were injured in the incident and patient service was not affected.

The hospital has reported the incident to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System.





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