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《全民新聞台》[港聞]2019年外籍夫婦虐兒案 警控二人謀殺及虐兒罪




Police today laid charges against a 30-year-old foreign man and his 26-year-old foreign wife jointly with one count of murder and one count of ill-treatment or neglect of child by a person in charge of that child. Police received a report from hospital staff on August 25, 2019, that a 48-day-old boy collapsed and sustained bruises on his face and femur fracture. His parents were arrested for ill-treatment or neglect of the child by a person in charge of that child on the same day. The boy was certified dead in Princess Margaret Hospital on August 30, 2019.

Child Abuse Investigation Unit of Kowloon West took over the case. Pursuant to the legal advice, Police laid charges against the couple with one count of murder and one count of ill-treatment or neglect of child by a person in charge of that child. The case will be mentioned at Kowloon City Magistrates' Courts tomorrow (May 3) morning.





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