警方呼籲市民提供大嶼南失蹤男子消息, 七十五歲男子林加恩三月二十九日早上離開其位於東灣頭路的住所後便告失蹤,其朋友昨日(三月三十日)向警方報案。林加恩身高約一點六米,體重約四十一公斤,瘦身材,尖面型,黃皮膚及蓄短白髮。他最後露面時身穿黑色外套、黑色長褲、黑色拖鞋、攜有一個黑色斜揹袋及一把黑色雨傘。
任何人如有該失蹤男子的消息或曾見過他,請致電三六六一 一一七四或九六二八 八四二三,或電郵至rmpu-nts-2@police.gov.hk與新界南總區失蹤人口調查組,或與任何一間警署聯絡。
Police today (March 31) appealed to the public for information on a man who went missing in Lantau South.
Lam Ka-yan, aged 75, went missing after he left his residence on Tung Wan Tau Road on March 29 morning. His friend made a report to Police yesterday (March 30). He is about 1.6 metres tall, 41 kilograms in weight and of thin build. He has a pointed face with yellow complexion and short white hair. He was last seen wearing a black jacket, black trousers, black slippers, carrying a black shoulder bag and a black umbrella.
Anyone who knows the whereabouts of the missing man or may have seen him is urged to contact the Regional Missing Persons Unit of New Territories South on 3661 1174 or 9628 8423 or email to rmpu-nts-2@police.gov.hk, or contact any police station.
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