At approximately 10:21 pm tonight, a traffic accident occurred on Shatin Rural Committee Road. Two special-line minibuses were travelling in opposite directions on the road near Kam Wo Court towards Tai Po when the rear minibus collided with the back of the front minibus. The impact caused the front and rear windshields of both vehicles to shatter.
According to reports, the accident left 12 minibus passengers with minor injuries. They were rushed to two nearby hospitals, Prince of Wales Hospital and Tai Po Nethersole Hospital, for treatment. The injured passengers are said to be in stable condition and are expected to make a full recovery.
The incident caused traffic to slow down considerably on the road heading towards Tai Po. The slow lane was temporarily blocked to clear the scene and allow emergency services to attend to the injured passengers.
Authorities are investigating the cause of the accident, and no further information has been released at this time. We will provide updates as they become available.
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